Calvary Presbyterian Church

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Children's Ministries

Children are welcome in worship. But we also have programs for children during worship. Our children’s programming is provided by our partners First Plymouth Congregational Church.

All children’s programs are located on the garden level of the building. Take the elevator to the basement or walk down the hall after you enter through the west entrance of the church. Feel free to ask the greeter at the west entrance or at the chapel entrance for assistance.

In addition to weekly Sunday school, children’s choir practices and nursery care, Calvary children are invited to participate in other special events offered through First Plymouth, such as Vacation Bible School each June, a Halloween party, Advent party, and family Christmas Eve service.

Sunday School

Children’s Sunday School meets at 10:15A on the lower level of the church. For children up to age two, there is a nursery staffed between 8:30A until the end of the Worship Service. Trained volunteer teachers and youth assistants engage the children in Bible stories, activities, crafts, music, and more. Sunday School is coordinated by Alix Wright, First Plymouth’s Director of Children’s Ministries.

The Cherub class is for ages 3 and 4, meets every Sunday during the school year in Room B-26, from 10:15A to the 11:15.  They learn stories about Jesus and God’s love, practice in their choir, and have a lot of fun.

The Kindergarten through 2nd-grade class meets in B24.  They use the “A Joyful Path” curriculum to begin the talk about their faith journey.  Sunday School goes from 10:15A until 11:15A, followed by a healthy snack and choir practice.

The 3rd to 5th-grade class meets in the CE Center.  The class studies one Bible story each month, with a three-week unit encompassing literature, art, and drama. Sunday School goes from 10:15A until 11:15A, followed by a healthy snack and choir practice.

The Middle School Class for youth in Grades 6-8 meets in room B-22  at 10:15A on Sundays.  This takes a more in-depth look at the Bible.

Children’s Choirs  (September – May)

The Cherub Choir is for preschoolers. They practice during their Sunday school class and sing in services.

The Revelation Singers, a choir for children starting in Kindergarten through seventh grade.  They practice after Sunday School starting at 11:15A.