Calvary Presbyterian Church

Our worship time begins at 10:00 a.m. If you would like to join us online, go to our Zoom Worship page to find each Sunday’s worship material as well as the link to our Zoom church service.

We share coffee time with First Plymouth Congregational Church at 11:00 a.m., and we’d like to get to know you better during this informal gathering.

We have a mix of traditional and relaxed styles. You will hear wonderful organ and piano music most Sundays. The sermon is followed by a time for us to share our thoughts and questions together, as we process how the Spirit is leading us. You’ll also feel comfortable here, no matter what your fashion style. Some people wear suits or dresses; others come in casual slacks, jeans or shorts.


Communion is ordinarily served on the first Sunday of the month. We receive communion by intinction, meaning that, as we proceed to the front of the sanctuary, each person tears a piece of bread (gluten-free available) from the loaf, dips the piece in grape juice, then eats it. Our oral response to each gift of bread and juice is usually, "Amen" or "Thanks be to God." We welcome all baptized Christians to share in communion with us, but you may prefer to not take communion. It is your choice.